The days of treating cybersecurity as a purely technical issue restricted to the IT team are over. Ransomware attacks, phishing practices, and all the risks that a lack of awareness in the workplace can cause are increasingly being talked about and targeted by the media, organizations, and employees.
In a corporate environment, as a whole, one must always be up to date with the main tools and services available on the market, whatever your needs are. For cyber security, it can be no different.
Beyond software, programs or applications, when it comes to this subject it is essential to have a well consolidated awareness plan, with actions and materials planned for such. Here at PhishX, we understand the pains and difficulties that implementing this planning from scratch, or adapting a process already in progress, can cause.
Whether developing materials and activities according to your needs, or using our benchmark and proven experiences, we always seek to help you achieve the proposed goal. This is a successful customer journey, where your success is our success.
How the PhishX ecosystem can help you reduce cyber risks
Our PhishX ecosystem is designed to bring security and privacy knowledge through quick action to everyone, across any communication channel, anywhere, and on any device.
It enables you to create, change or replicate Phishing Simulation Campaigns, and in a matter of minutes fire complete training content to your entire company or contacts.
But because it is a communication platform, we can use and maximize the available resources, expanding the activities to raise awareness on the most diverse themes.
Within the platform, you can find training on ransomware, precautions when making online payments, the risks of using public wi-fi networks, and even ways to optimize your time at work.
We follow the philosophy that there is such a wide diversity of topics involving information security that we can talk and involve the public in the subject in a quick and light way.
But we deliver the content in a direct and attention-grabbing way. We help you establish this schedule of actions, so that information security is always fresh in the users' day to day.
Besides our materials and primers available at "day zero" of the subscription, it is possible to involve and customize the training with documents, tips or instructions from the company's internal tools, creating an environment 100% directed to the collaborators.
Defining your awareness program objectives
Our intent is to create an information security awareness and activity schedule customized to meet your team's needs. To do this, we seek to unburden the information security teams.
Therefore, the alignment of expectations is essential. Whether via monthly meetings, email exchanges or a variety of communication channels, the PhishX team will contact you to ensure that the activities run as smoothly as possible.
We help you create an awareness program
Creating an awareness plan from scratch can be painful, especially for a busy team. That's why we make the process easier by suggesting ideas and concepts that may work better for your channel and market.
For example, a sequence of activities that improve engagement and fixation of the theme for the team is a mix of objectives:
- Using seasonal events and dates for your Phishing Simulations, such as Black Friday and holiday parties, are a great way to increase the conversion rate of the Campaigns and test the maturity of the team regarding the topics related to digital security.
- After this simulation, while the subject is still being discussed internally, why not send training to those users who fell for our messages but did not have the opportunity to finish the indicated training? Only this time, via an official Communiqué, alerting the user that this is an internal and mandatory activity.
This is just one of the suggestions to start the awareness chronogram, but it is actions like this, with greater regularity and constancy, that guarantee the user's understanding of the various themes of Information Security.
Want to learn more about how to set up an awareness program? Read our Guide to Creating an Awareness Program.
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