Jun 8, 2023
Main types of scams focused on social engineering
Threats related to social engineering are nothing new. Learn about the main methods of social engineering used.

Apr 19, 2023
Artificial Intelligence: What are the risks that technology can cause in people's lives?
Learn what are the risks of using artificial intelligence in people's daily lives and how to deal with the advancement of technology.

Dec 16, 2022
How to run phishing simulations to increase your organization's security
Learn how phishing simulations can help people in your organization recognize cyberthreats. That way, you keep your organization safe.

Feb 25, 2022
Passwordless World: How to reimagine the authentication
Passwords have been the most popular authentication security layer for decades. But can you imagine a passwordless world?

Oct 29, 2021
Acceptable use of computing resources: policies that ensure more security
Defining acceptable use policies for computing resources is critical to your organization's security.

Oct 26, 2021
Black Friday: how to shop online more safely
With promotional dates approaching, such as Black Friday, which takes place in November, many stores also offer great discounts. But it's...

Oct 14, 2021
SDLC: How software development life cycles can reduce risks and costs
Exposed to increasing threats within the virtual world, organizations need to be prepared to protect themselves and reduce potential...

Oct 7, 2021
Customer success: our journey searching for strategic results
In today's world, cybersecurity has become a strategic element for organizations. With this, it is natural for large institutions and...

Sep 30, 2021
Cyberattacks: what are the harms for organizations and how can they deal with it
Digital security has become one of the key points for organizations in recent years. The growing number of cyberattacks around the world...